I'm quite awful at updating this space in regards to training. Fear not--I keep a training log and track everything...it's just this particular space that sees me repeatedly falling off the wagon.
Since my last update: I decided not to compete with RPS in April. I was incredibly disappointed on how they handled the current issue of trans lifters being banned from competing in the USAPL. At first, RPS released a statement basically saying fuck that--trans lifters have been and will always be included and welcome here, so come and compete with us. TWO days later, they took back their stance with another statement reasoning that due to death threats received and upon advice from legal counsel, they were going back on their word but still offering up a separate category for trans lifters to compete in if they so wanted to. On the surface this seems to be inclusive, but honestly it's just a different way to continue to treat individuals as "others." I was super disappointed with how they handled this and backtracked, and therefore had to make the decision not to give them my money, and not to get on their platform to compete. This was not an easy decision to make 8 weeks into training for this meet. However! The decision became much, much easier when I did some thinking on being a true ally, and what that means. Being an ally means sacrifice, even if it is uncomfortable, and especially if it means losing something as a result. It's not enough to call yourself an ally if you are only one when it is convenient and "safe." I'm very happy with my decision. I stand with trans lifters. My next competition will be with an organization that includes and supports this cause that matters so very much to me.
Despite this decision not to compete, I have continued on with my training cycle. I'm one workout away from finishing up week 11, which means after a brief deload, I will retest every lift's 1 rep max. Then, onto another cycle. I've increased my strength by a noticeable amount, and this makes me happy. Some other training things to note:
- I started integrating some cardio back into the fold. I bounce around with what activities I do to match what my lifting focus was on that particular day--on bench days I like to finish up with the rower. On leg day I will do sprint intervals on the treadmill, the stairmaster, or 100's(10 sets of 10 reps of various high-intensity intervals). I brought the cardio back in because all the lifting tends to make me more stiff than I would like to be(I know I know--I need to get back on that consistent yoga grind too). The addition of high intensity intervals and rowing has added to my strength and mass, and it feels really good to move quickly after being slow and deliberate with heavy lifts.
- As I've stated in the past, new strength ='s growth, which ='s some of my clothes no longer fit. This has continued to be a thing. Items that I have outgrown are set aside for donation. Some shirts that were once slightly too large now fit perfectly. You lose some, you win some. I kind of solved the jean problem--besides 1 pair, none of my jeans were fitting comfortably. The Gap outlet had a few pair that fit quite nicely--I had to go up one size to fit my legs. The waist is still a tad too roomy but they fit so well everywhere else...I call it a win. Leggings have also been such a great pal through these colder months.
- On that note, I've started restocking my shorts, because the majority of them no longer fit. It's gonna be a bad ass summer.
- Overall feeling incredible in the gym these days. No injuries to speak of, and my form across the board feels locked in. If I had to pick one that I feel is weakest, I would still go with bench. But squat feels like poetry, and my deadlift has grown into a such a fluid beauty. I love powerlifting so, so much.
- After this 12 week cycle, I will probably start another 12 week block. Still thinking about that one. Tempted to run a shorter 8 week one with a lot more volume, burn at a bit of a higher rate. It's tempting. But so is continuing on this strength train, because heavy lifts are feeling so incredible. Tough call. Got some thinking to do.