Sunday, November 4, 2018

new max, what's next?

On Saturday I retested my one rep max on back squat. Initially, my hope was to retest all three lifts, but I was on a tight schedule. Retesting takes time--it takes time to warm up, time in between as the numbers climb. Oh, the patience.

So. I only needed a spot for the very last attempt. I asked my buddy Nate, who was just about to start pedaling the assault bike. I locked in my shoulders, braced my core, then started my descent. All I could think was knees forward, get back up. And I did. It was a grinder in the end, but max attempts should be. Finally. Two plates on either end of the bar! 225lbs. That's a 20lb increase from mid-April of this year. I'm extremely happy with that, and motivated to keep growing over the winter.

What's next? I'm planning on running the 12 week program template again, with some changes to the exercises to shake up the muscle memory a bit. Also implementing a bit more cardio, and continuing to dial in the diet. This is the anxious part of the journey for me--one training block is ending, and another one is ahead. I can implement any changes I want, but in doing so I hope to commit myself to them for at least a few months. My cardio of choice lately is 100's--10 sets of 10 reps for various exercises. Right now it's just challenging enough to make me hate myself halfway through(and those are usually the best workouts).

My gym has also offered to let me teach a spin class, and I've been working on a setlist for a workout. So much planning goes into it, and I wish I had more time. Perhaps I'll use more of my rest days for that. Overall, things are wonderful and feeling promising.

Was honestly hoping to write more here tonight, but dealing with a tooth ache(root canal is Tuesday thank goodness) and would rather get some more rest than type. Until again.

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